Friday, 17 May 2013

Looking for something fun, healthy and different to do with the family this Victoria Day long weekend?

Use your SENSES Scavenger Hunt List
You will need to collect some items and describe some items using your senses…explain your discoveries! Materials: collection bag, clipboard, pencil. REMEMBER: there is no right or wrong, no rules...enjoy nature!
FIND: Wild flower,  Dead tree-describe shape, size, how did it die? Berry, Stream/Creek –describe location, size, and sound, Blade of grass, Grain of sand, Y-shaped twig, Hole in a tree- describe size and location- what is it for? Unusual shaped leaf- do a leaf rubbing on your page, Multi-coloured rock, Change of season-how you can tell? Snail-where, how it got there, where's it from? Feather-describe feel, kind of animal, Earth/dirt/mud –smell, feel, taste? Evidence of animals?
LISTEN TO: leaves under your feet, Wind in the trees, Birds singing, The sound of a bug/fly/bee
FEEL: Bark on a tree, Lie down in the grass, Textures of rocks, A prickly plant
SMELL: Fresh air and sea/salt air, Grass, Cedar tree, A flower
WATCH: An animal or bug eating, A leaf falling to the ground, Fish jumping, For something unusual or different