You will need to collect some items and describe some items using your senses…explain your discoveries! Materials: collection bag, clipboard, pencil. REMEMBER: there is no right or wrong, no rules...enjoy nature!
FIND: Wild flower, Dead tree-describe shape, size, how did it die? Berry, Stream/Creek –describe location, size, and sound, Blade of grass, Grain of sand, Y-shaped twig, Hole in a tree- describe size and location- what is it for? Unusual shaped leaf- do a leaf rubbing on your page, Multi-coloured rock, Change of season-how you can tell? Snail-where, how it got there, where's it from? Feather-describe feel, kind of animal, Earth/dirt/mud –smell, feel, taste? Evidence of animals?
LISTEN TO: leaves under your feet, Wind in the trees, Birds singing, The sound of a bug/fly/bee
FEEL: Bark on a tree, Lie down in the grass, Textures of rocks, A prickly plant
SMELL: Fresh air and sea/salt air, Grass, Cedar tree, A flower
WATCH: An animal or bug eating, A leaf falling to the ground, Fish jumping, For something unusual or different
FIND: Wild flower, Dead tree-describe shape, size, how did it die? Berry, Stream/Creek –describe location, size, and sound, Blade of grass, Grain of sand, Y-shaped twig, Hole in a tree- describe size and location- what is it for? Unusual shaped leaf- do a leaf rubbing on your page, Multi-coloured rock, Change of season-how you can tell? Snail-where, how it got there, where's it from? Feather-describe feel, kind of animal, Earth/dirt/mud –smell, feel, taste? Evidence of animals?
LISTEN TO: leaves under your feet, Wind in the trees, Birds singing, The sound of a bug/fly/bee
FEEL: Bark on a tree, Lie down in the grass, Textures of rocks, A prickly plant
SMELL: Fresh air and sea/salt air, Grass, Cedar tree, A flower
WATCH: An animal or bug eating, A leaf falling to the ground, Fish jumping, For something unusual or different
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