Wednesday, 24 April 2013

When the Going Gets Tough, Do the Tough Really Get Going?

When life's circumstances get in the way of your relationship with a significant other, how do you cope?  How do they?

Sometimes people react in anger and frustration to uncomfortable situations.  Often our own stubbornness, pride, self-doubt or fear can boycott the whole discussion and get in the way of resolution.

Your way of 'discussing' can backfire and may be hurtful and demeaning to someone you care about.
Bolting from the argument or shutting down, playing the ignoring game, or guilt-tripping doesn't get you anywhere.

Being aware of your message delivery or personality 'flaws' can be the biggest tool in learning how to 'fight fair' to resolve disagreements.  Often changing something as simple as your tone of voice or body language can positively alter an altercation!

My advice is for each person to decide what it is they want and how they think this can be achieved...come together in a neutral place, with a positive attitude and a desire to make things work.  From there, you negotiate, discuss, come up with a plan together.

In order for this to happen though, BOTH parties must be prepared to bring something to the what changes are you prepared to make; get past your wants and identify common wants.

There are always two sides to a situation and therefore you both need to work towards a solution...if one of you doesn't want to, it won't work!

Be kind, be thoughtful, be proactive, and check your expectations of yourself and each other...I bet they are unreasonable and high!

Before you 'get going' when things get tough, make the effort to come to a workable solution...after all, this person is someone you care a great deal for and don't want to hurt :)

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